Statistics show that 46.5% of households in 2023 are using smart home devices. Experts believe that people are choosing these options due to being home more.

More people are becoming interested in smart homes and smart home technology. This is due to how efficient and easy it is to use.

Smart home sustainability is also a very important factor in this. It allows people to live a greener lifestyle without having to make as many sacrifices.

Keep reading to find out more about smart homes and how they can be sustainable.

Climate Control

One of the biggest benefits of smart home features is temperature control in the home. Climate control systems are one of the biggest power suckers in your home.

Whether you know it or not, you are paying much more than you should for this. Most people do not know how to control the climate in their homes in the most efficient way.

This can lead to excessively high energy bills and wasted energy resources. This is a very common concern among those who want to be more eco-friendly.

Smart home climate control allows you to control the temperature of your home all the time. Whether you are home or somewhere else, you have access to these settings.

You can get a smart thermostat that allows you to set your preferences. Many of these thermostats can be controlled so that the temperature is as efficient as possible.

Most of these thermostats can be connected to your smartphone. This allows you to control the temperature from a device that you already have on you at all times.

If you leave your home and forget to adjust your thermostat, this is no longer a problem. It can also be a great option if you are traveling and want to adjust your temperature settings.

Online Access

Smart home sustainability allows you to have access to all of your home’s features. This is something that most people have never been able to enjoy.

Smart homes have features that can all be connected online. This doesn’t just include your climate control settings, you can also control other aspects of your home.

You can have your security settings on your phone so that you can adjust them as necessary. If you are out and about and forgot to set your alarm, this doesn’t have to be an issue.

There are all kinds of smart home features that have digital settings. You can access the settings at any time and from anywhere as long as you have your phone.

Most people underestimate just how useful this can be when it comes to sustainable living. You can avoid wasting resources by always having control over your home’s settings.

Sunlight Regulation

If you are new to smart home features, you may be surprised to find that it includes window treatments. Many people have smart home technology that’s connected to their windows.

These features can include things like automatic roller shades and automatic blinds. Not only is this convenient, but it can also help your home to run with less power waste.

An eco-friendly home needs to have sunlight regulation throughout the day. This is something that often goes unnoticed, but it can make your home inefficient.

Natural sunlight is good to have, and you want to enjoy that in your home as much as possible. But there does have to be a balance since sunlight can also heat up your home.

Excessive sunlight coming into your home is going to make your AC system work harder. Even if you have the correct temperature settings and place, this is going to cause excess energy usage.

You may be at work and realize that you forgot to put down your shades. The good news with smart home technology is that you can do this no matter where you are.

You can control these smart roller shades and blinds with the touch of a button. 

Lighting Control

Possibly the best benefit of smart homes is the lighting control that you have. Like climate control, you can control your home’s lighting with the touch of a button.

Lighting is another aspect of your home that can often go unnoticed. Unfortunately, lights being left on is another way that energy and power are often wasted.

You may leave on lights during the day when you don’t need to be in those rooms, wasting power. Or worse, you forget to turn off the lights before leaving your house.

Smart homes offer all kinds of lighting control options. These usually include LED lights that are going to be safer and much more efficient.

Unlike traditional lights, LED lights do not heat up and do not suck as much unnecessary power. You can choose different switches and sensors to connect to the lighting in your home.

Some people have the technology so that their lighting is motion-detecting. This allows it to turn on and off depending on the movement in that space.

Dimmers are also a popular option to reduce the power you are using. It still provides light if you need it, but it won’t suck as much power, and it creates a nice ambiance.

What Is a Smart Home?

If you aren’t sure what a smart home is, the definition is quite simple. A smart home is a home that uses Internet-connected devices for its systems.

This allows remote monitoring and management when it comes to your appliances, lighting, or HVAC system. It is a way for people to have more control over how their home is running.

Smart homes are also equipped with more modern devices. This includes safer and more efficient options like LED lights and eco-friendly appliances.

Other Benefits of Smart Home Technology

Aside from sustainable living, smart home features have many other benefits. There are so many reasons why you should consider adding these features to your home.

Anyone would benefit from smart home sustainability. It offers a convenient option that is also more responsible and less wasteful.

Better Security

Most homes have some form of security measures in place. Unfortunately, these features may not protect your home the way you want them to.

Smart homes are known for having much better security systems. These systems can be hooked up to your phone so that they can be controlled no matter where you are.

The security systems are usually more extensive and cover more areas of your home. This provides better protection and more peace of mind for you and your family.

Bigger Savings

Having a greener home is important, with so many resources wasted every year. Although, the cost of these features is also something that most homeowners consider.

You may want to live a more sustainable life, but it isn’t always affordable. The good thing about smart homes is that they are actually money savers.

The upfront cost of the smart home features may seem extreme, but they pay for themselves over time. As you save power, you are going to be saving money as well.

Over time these investments will pay off as your bills become less each month. This is due to how efficient a smart home can be in regard to heating, cooling, and lighting systems.


One of the biggest benefits of a smart home that few talk about is accessibility. Smart homes provide a much safer and more accessible environment for those with limitations.

It can be a great option for people who are disabled and struggle with certain tasks. You do not have to get up to adjust temperature settings or turn on your security system.

You can also have smart lighting in place so that you don’t have to worry about turning the lights off. It can also be a great option for elderly people who cannot do as much as they once could.

Smart home devices can be set with your preferences and saved. This creates a safer environment for those who may forget to turn on or turn off certain systems.

If your parents are elderly, you can also have their smart home features connected to your phone. This allows you to always keep tabs on their home and how it is running.

Environmental Benefits of Smart Homes

If you want to have an eco-friendly home, smart homes have many of these important features. Not only is a smart home convenient for day-to-day life, but it can also help your home to be greener.

Do you want to add smart home features to your home? Contact us today at Smart Home Design for the best options in smart home technology. or reach out to us over at our Parent company AV Design

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